


Businesses in Trouble




Tewkesbury Wills

Members’ Electronic Research for the Benefit of All

The Society is most appreciative of three of its members who have made their research available for the benefit of others:

  • Derek Benson: The London Gazette - Pages referring to Tewkesbury published 1682-1826 (2009)

Derek ( is our Webmaster and Membership Secretary

If you find anything of interest in the index, you can contact Derek or John Dixon, who will supply an email of the appropriate article. Alternatively you can view the documents on-line at

  • Alan Edgecombe: Businesses in Trouble in Tewkesbury (1806-1854) (2009)

This spreadsheet provides an index, culled from local regional papers and some national papers as well. Alan ( is an ex-pat member who has given his time to cull through 19th Century British Regional Newspapers, which library members can study on

Alan’s choices have been transcribed by Joan Smith and can be accessed on the Woodard Database. (

  • David Drinkwater: Index of Tewkesbury Wills, 1858-1894 (2009)

This spreadsheet is in alphabetical order and shows the wills that are available for studying the County Archives with their reference number. ( )

David ( ) is a family historian who is moving towards writing a history of his family’s migration to and from the Midlands in search of textile work.

This page was last revised 22 March 2016. Please report any errors or problems with these pages to the Webmaster  copyright©Tewkesbury Historical Society